JIS Introduction

Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) Vision


The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) aims to disseminate scholarly research articles and papers to the wider community with the aim of offering an academic and scientific platform that provides an outlet to authors. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) is an open access online journal. Initially, the JIS will provide an online version, but is planning a print version later in this academic journey. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) focuses on a high-quality academic research articles and papers. All categories of research are of interest to the JIS, including insightful empirical studies, conceptual papers, commentary, essays, and theoretical articles.

JIS is an interdisciplinary platform and invites authors, academics, students, researchers, leaders, managers, scientists for their contributions in the disciplines of sciences, sociology, education, philosophy, humanities and management. Articles and Papers of scientific and academic rigour in Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed or Blend methods are welcome.

JIS intends to publish two issues per annum (May and November).

Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) is an open access journal, 

Submissions to, and Publication in, the JIS is free.

All papers submitted for publication will be peer reviewed.

ISSN: 2594-3405

Publisher: ORDT: Organization for Research Development and Training (P) Ltd

Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) mission is to

Guide Beautiful Minds Towards Intellectual Enrichment”

Indexing and Abstracting: JUFO: Julkaisufoorumi, NSD- Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers; ICI-Index Copernicus International; Zenodo; Google Scholar; Research Bib; ISI- International Scientific Indexing; CiteFactor-Academic Scientific Journals; Academic edu; Publons; ROAD-Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources; I2OR-International Institute of Organized Research; SIS-Scientific Indexing Services; SJIF-Scientific Journal Impact Factor; DRJI-Directory of Research Journals Indexing

Current Issue

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024. May

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2017

Current Issue


Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari
The Axis of Misinformation: Evaluating the X axis and Y axis of Misinformative Graphs
Elizabeth Zak
Finality and the Demystification of Entanglement
William A Dunkley
Interdisciplinary Comments Highlighting the Importance of Supra Microbiological Approaches to Covid-19 Pandemic
Rodrigo Riera, Ada M. Herrera and, Ricardo A. Rodríguez
Reinventing Storytelling as a Management Training Tool for Scientists
Gertrude-Emilia Costin and Stefan A. Neculai
How We Walked Together: A Story of Complementarity-Highlighting Doing, Being, Belonging and Becoming
Helen Myles and Daphne (Dimurr) Naden